“CBT Therapy near me” is a popular Google search but do you want to know what CBT therapy does?

Here is a blog written by our therapist Natasha on CBT therapy.

Worry and stress seem to be an increasingly problematic part of modern life. Virtually constant connection to the 24-hour news cycle and social media provide a continuous source of anxiety-inducing thoughts. Type into Google “CBT therapy near me” and you will get an array of answers. Financial and career uncertainty has upsurge despite a decade of consistent economic growth. Increased pressure to do more with less at work has created an expectation to multitask, dividing our mental focus in ways that breed anxiety. Now more than ever we need simple, effective ways of taking care of our minds to keep worry at bay.

Let me tell you a bit about Cognitive behaviour Therapy {CBT for short} and why I feel it can help these anxieties, let`s keep it simple as we live in a world full of complications and sometimes simple is best.

CBT theory; our thoughts dictate our feelings, are feelings dictate our behaviours and almost definitely impact our physiology, which is great if all working together harmoniously in a healthy way, however what about if our thoughts are in distress, or and causing us upset and discomfort on lots of levels and in constant chaos…. “Thoughts are facts” right?? because it`s all real what we are feeling and thinking and our bodies are feeling like our hearts are pounding in our chest ready to explode or implode, or we have a tight feeling in our stomachs, this is a real experience and can be scary to a person.

Well the complicated bit, our thoughts happen in nano seconds, {automatically} we may not even be aware of our thinking styles, we might have even inherited a thinking style, social environments can create unhealthy thinking styles the list goes on and on. We all have a view of the world and how we handle situations and events and two people can see the same situation and view it completely different.

Perhaps the most important part of CBT is not that it teaches us things we didn’t know, but that it reminds us of what we need to do. Most of the time we flourish not by learning new things but by remembering what we already know.
Do we not already know that we need to exercise and eat well to feel our best? Have we never heard that building healthier relationships is good for us? Is it news to us that allowing our minds to be cluttered with distractions doesn’t lead to emotional health? CBT is less about imparting information and more about building new habits.

If you struggle with persistent anxiety, it is likely that excessive worry is largely to blame. Although sometimes worrying feels beneficial, protecting us from being unprepared or caught off guard, for many people it causes more problems than it solves. There are numerous ways cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can reduce excessive worry. One powerful technique is through evaluating the worry to determine whether it is productive or unproductive. By determining a worry is unproductive, it is easier to intentionally let it go.

CBT can identify these unproductive worries and or thinking styles and help create new healthier thinking styles and behaviours for a happier life.

If you want to find out more about how we can help then please contact us for more information, book a session here or see Natasha’s profile. And to find our more about CBT take a look at NHS CBT

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